Wednesday, June 29, 2016

回应 Mgaic Rock

Mgaic Rock commented: 从晚清1840年到现今170余年,启蒙在华人的世界是如此的艰难,儒家的奴性文化深入骨髓,东亚文明的精神枷锁不打碎,亚洲人永远不会产生影响人类的思想和文化。

That is so true. I cannot agree more.

Yesterday, I had discussions with 陈士杰 and Ryan Chen. For 陈士杰, I think that he actually wants to learn and he is at least not a fervent supporter of the Communist Party. Still, he is so versed in the Communist propaganda arguments that were beaten into him by the Communist Party's propaganda machine and China's educational system and that he was so busy giving me those old stale set pieces that he did not even bother to understand what I was saying.

So, discussion with him is an affair of him dumping at you Communist propaganda with him not listening to what you say. So whatever you say does not matter.

If that is not argument for argument's sake, i.e., wasting of time, I don't know what is.

The ultimate sadness for these people is that they are so fervent about the Communist propaganda arguments that they would not think about what they are saying.

It is especially sad if we consider that 陈士杰 actually wants to learn and that he is against the Communist Party.

Brainwashing has done him in. It is pathetic.

For Ryan Chen, who obviously has ever been to Taiwan, automatically assumes that "四种语言推广只是为了让别的国家的游客能看懂."

The problem is that, even if I point that out to him, he is unlikely to listen to what I say, and would immediately throw other Communist propaganda at me.

Ignorance starts at (1) not caring about the facts, or lack of wish to know; and (2) the automatic and almost religious belief of the Communist propaganda that was brainwashed into them in their first 20 years of life.

With that, even when they are in a free world, all they are capable of is Communist propaganda.

Someone from China told me that the young generation, being instilled patriotism, militarism, and doltish pride, by the Communist Party's brainwashing machine, a.k.a., the educational system, is already lost.

Yesterday, we saw two examples supporting that verdict.

My four years of radio experience, in a nutshell, is a discovery of the same conclusion. If this generation is lost, we may have to wait for the next generation, who would not face the Communist propaganda machine and the educational system in the United States.

However, one has to think that these young people would have to live with the Communist brainwashing for the first two decades fo their lives.

That is really lunacy and pity, but we can do nothing about it.

First published on June 29, 2016

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