Wednesday, November 1, 2017



海若德勋爵觐行(拜伦之作) / Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, by Lord Byron

丛林本无路,快乐自蕴藏,   There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,
海滩貌孤独,欣喜亦张狂,   There is a rapture on the lonely shore,
古有桃花源,世人不得路,   There is society where none intrudes,
海深依宁静,乐音傍高昂:   By the deep Sea, and music in its roar:
我弗不爱人,唯更爱自然。   I love not Man the less, but Nature more,
与之论天地,窃得仙桃尝,   From these our interviews, in which I steal
知晓未来事,畅悟以往情,   From all I may be, or have been before,
交融宇宙间,天地顿昭彰,   To mingle with the Universe, and feel
言表既无路,掩饰亦无方。   What I can ne’er express, yet cannot all conceal.

海洋暗绿深,一浪接一浪,   Roll on, thou deep and dark blue Ocean--roll!
一万铁甲帆,一波不能伤,   Ten thousand fleets sweep over thee in vain;
土地遭凌辱,废墟记年长,   Man marks the earth with ruin--his control
铁军临岸边,威力…         Stops with the shore;--upon the watery plain


The wrecks are all thy deed, nor doth remain
A shadow of man’s ravage, save his own,
When for a moment, like a drop of rain,
He sinks into thy depths with bubbling groan,
Without a grave, unknelled, uncoffined, and unknown.

His steps are not upon thy paths,--thy fields
Are not a spoil for him,--thou dost arise
And shake him from thee; the vile strength he wields
For earth’s destruction thou dost all despise,
Spurning him from thy bosom to the skies,
And send’st him, shivering in thy playful spray
And howling, to his gods, where haply lies
His petty hope in some near port or bay,
And dashest him again to earth: —there let him lay.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Why I Stopped Writing

A reader (whom we shall call Mr. T) left a message (attached at the end) about my audio programs and writing. I think that he deserves a response. And here it is:

First of all, those who read my articles or listened to my Chinese language programs know that I am a believer of market, where the most reliable signal to direct people’s actions is price. Wherever the government allows the market force to function, a person who provides a meaningful service should get sufficient market response for him to make a reasonable living.

For me to produce a program on YouTube, I need, at the very minimum, 100,000 views for each video (actually, 500,000 is a number that would make the endeavor “attractive” to me). So, even if I get 4,000 clicks for each video (the more typical number is around 2,000), that is only 4% of what I need, or less than 1% of what is attractive. I picked up those 4,000 subscribers in four years. How long do I need to continur doing the same to pick up the rest 96,000? Another 200 years to make the minimum? Or another 1,000 to make it attractive?

Mr. T used the word “valuable.” I don’t know what value he has in mind, but the value through market is that there is no demand for my videos. In other words, the market signals me that I should do something else.

The market in the U.S. (at least where the government is not interested in micro-regulating) is generally flat, which means that the market rewards all efforts fairly, across different industries. The impossibility for me to support the activities from its earnings is a demonstration that the market does not have the need, although certain individuals may really want the activity.

In fact, there is another model for this to work out other than the advertising model, i.e., paid subscription model. The chance for that to happen is precisely zero.

Mt. T is right that even 4,000 is a big number these days, representing the fragmented information dissimilation market, but it is nonetheless the nature of the market, i.e., what people want. The market, as a big voting machine, is voting me out. In fact, the fragmented market is voting this entire species of programs out. Today’s people think that short attention span is only normal, something to be accepted, in a world where technologies are taking charge. Who is there to say that the newspapers, printing ever shortened articles, are not digging its own graves?

Certainly, there are other sources of money to produce programs. The U.S. government is one possibility. The Chinese government is another. But since you serve the people who pay you, receiving payment from third parties means that I must serve those masters, rather than the viewers.

For instance, if I take money from the U.S. government, I cannot say anything truly damaging to the Chinese government, for democracy in China would render the entire U.S. propaganda apparatus obsolete and turn the people therein out to the streets. Also, I am not interested in being any government’s mouth piece.

My four-year AM1300/YouTube run showed that Chinese language programming is hopeless.

After writing in English for a year, it is clear that my English writing has even less market power.

The last option is for me to write for existing publications. It is the same idea of working for AM1300. By using other people’s platforms, I can speak to their captured audience. Since the Chinese language media is so heavily poluted, I tried the English media. I have gotten some positive feedbacks, which means that the submissions have been read, but nobody wanted to use any article. In other words, I would be writing to entertain only the editors.

I know a few Chinese who have press connections and asked them for help. None did. Obviously, it is a crowd that does not help one another. When I tried to build a legal practice, many lawyers helped me. Today, with the hindsight, I don’t think that I could have set up my practice without their help. Obviously, in the field of writing on China, people do not help one another. That may explain why there are always so much in-fighting in this group. The only right thing for me to do is to put these people together with the professors, and stay away from them.

There I come to the end of the road.

Mr. T said, “It is not surprising that comments for the blog or videos are not common for you because the involved issues are so deep that the views are new to most people. People needs time to digest them.” Together, I had done this for five years. If five years are not enough for people to digest my ideas and get interested, would enough people ever going to be interested?

All my failures in writing demonstrate an unmistakable market signal: there is no market for me in public writing or program production.

Market is always a comparative mechanism. In other words, all market participants compare one opportunity with another that is available to him. For me, the competing idea is art. The nice feature about art is that, unlike broadcasting, I don’t need 100,000 clients, or even 5,000. Five hundred, or even 100, would do splendidly.

In addition, I could still afford the patience to try art for five or even 10 years.

For us living in a somewhat free society, our decision are often forced by the market, making us do something not necessarily our own planning. However, who is there to say that we are smarter than the market. Insofar as agreeability in character, temperament, the amount of pleasure, and the market reward, I am the last person to argue against the market that writing is better than art. Democracy (through the voting machine) has its powers. I am not going to ignore the advice given to me by the market.

Last, but not least, I need something to balance my legal writing. Pursuing art seems far better than public writing.

“Ὁ βίος βραχύς, ἡ δὲ τέχνη μακρή, ὁ δὲ καιρὸς ὀξύς,” as Hippocrates put it. So there it is. I quit.

---- original posting:

Please do not Stop. If you could check your channel at youtube, there are more than 4000 subscribers, and there are thousands of times of watches for every single video. As for the blog, I guess there are at least many readers from China if lots of clicks comes from Russia (there could be a result of vpn or other means of wall-breaking). These seems to be the most obvious evidences that your effort is much more valuable than your thought. I believe what you are doing here is working in the Chinese community.

It is not surprising that comments for the blog or videos are not common for you because the involved issues are so deep that the views are new to most people. People needs time to digest them. If you are not expecting to be a superstar in entertainment industry(like music, movie, sports, etc), the current status for the videos and blogs is totally reasonable.

---- end of original posting

By Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng is an attorney in Los Angeles.

First published on October 24, 2017

For discussions:
For past articles:
For past AM1300 (KAZN) programs in Chinese language:

For law firm business (business, patent, trademark, and business-based immigration), please write to or call 626-279-7200.

Saturday, October 14, 2017



An Artist’s Goodbye

I have been writing for more than a year after being fired by KAZN for booking a local Republican House candidate. So far, I have less than 500 Facebook subscribers and less than 200 blog readers, not even enough to get myself in trouble if I had done this inside the Great Firewall of China. Since there were clusters of clicks from places like Russia (more than clicks from any other country including the U.S.), I don’t even know how many of those clicks represent real readers.

Thirty years ago, when I was really a kid, I could get my writings published easier. In today’s world, writer belongs to an endangered species, as people use accident and force to make decisions rather than reflection and choice (I don’t know how many people readily know where this is from). Those who do not read are used by politicians and clearly the victims (just not the way they think). Every time I read about the protests, either Occupy Wall Street or campus violence against certain speakers, I just wonder how long it would take for a Hitler to turn these angry young people into Sturmabteilung (or storm troopers).

In this environment, the poor naturally find it increasingly difficult to move up. They are trapped in this massive reactionary machinery including K-12/college and government, as they are turned into believers of equal income, rather than equal opportunity, and government-dominated welfare, vis-à-vis private charity. They refuse to ask the question why people would invest years and years of hard work into developing skills when there is no prospect of earning more, and refuse to learn about how the welfare system has broken and is breaking up their families (i.e., the government-mutilated economic force drives the poor and young women into having children out of wedlock).

Technologies have created such massive noise that people are limiting their intake of ideas to those that could be expressed with 140 characters or less, and turning their heads away from anything that requires further deliberation. Many of today’s kids cannot live without social media, from which they read junks sent by other like-minded kids.

They refuse to take on hard topics because they are taught that study should be fun and easy, and big-government (starting with the government education monopoly) should take care of everything for them. For all the writing I did for more than a year, I don’t think that I have changed one mind.

Besides the reading side, the publishing side has the same problem. For instance, The Wall Street Journal, which is by no means leftist and serves only the rich and evil, published an article about the game playing of China and Russia at UN against the American measures on North Korea, but its editors refused to publish anything to explain the more fundamental question why China hasn’t helped and won’t help America if Trump stays on the current path. As Guo Wengui put it in his National Press Club news conference, the probability of the Chinese cooperation is zero. (Yet, nobody asked why.)

On China, the accusation of the arrogance of the white elite has been around for a long time. In private sector, I have not seen any discrimination, because discriminating talent is the same as discriminating the money in everyone’s pocket. Even fools in the market would not do that. However, government with elite is always a different story. After studying this issue for a month, I have to agree. The blacks could write about the blacks, and the Arabs about the Arabs. But on China, you have to become a white elite to write about it. The trouble is: the white elite does not really understand China and misleads the American policy toward China and Asia at large to the point that nobody could identify the issues. (It reminded me that Reagan was advised by Anna Chennault, nee Chen Xiangmei, a Chinese with extensive experience in China. I don’t even know whether there is anyone advising Trump on China these days.)

Before Trump was elected, I had said that it would take another 20 years for this generation to be flushed out and set an example of the big government absurdities to make it possible for the next generation to elect another Ronald Reagan. Trump offered some hope although he got elected with his populist run (by taking advantage of the anger of the so-called blue collar white people). In the White House, although his policies are in the right direction, e.g., fixing the Obamacare which is clearly heading into fiscal disaster, and reducing tax although it is not clear where he is going to cut the spending (cutting tax without cutting government spending could not be claimed as stimulating the economy), it is not clear how he could push it through the Republican Congress.

It was political conviction and the ability to explain it to the people that allowed Ronald Reagan to push his tax cut through the Democratic House and Senate. My friend Jay Keyworth once told me a story. In a cabinet meeting, everyone, led by Jim Baker, Reagan’s chief of staff, tried to convince Reagan that he could not push his tax cut through the Democratic Congress. Reagan simply responded: Yes, I can, because I know that the American people want it. None of you is an American people. (Reagan meant that they were all elite.) Trump could not push through an obviously reasonable Obamacare reform through Congress because he was not sure whether he wanted to govern or stay a populist. Other populists, including jokers like John McCain and Rand Paul, came out to wreck his reform and allowed Obamacare to remain in force unaltered. Obviously, to them, politicking is more important than the wellbeing of the country.

Although unspeakable, today’s white elite on China also live in the general intellectual environment where intellectuals suffer fundamental confusion together with unbearable yet unavoidable boredom, resulted from their exhausted endeavors in the intellectual cul-de-sac. Like the Romans, they are so suffocated by boredom that they need with urgency some disruption, any disruption. At the same time, to them, they want to crush any Voltaire who dares to speak freely. But ultimately, I think, to their disappointment, nobody could bury today’s democratic civilization by simply brainwashing or out-breeding. They could not repeat the feast, not in this 20-year window. I have not used the racial phrase “western” civilization, which sounds at least to my ears like “white” civilization, because of the development of Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and the like. In short, today’s white elite want China or Islam to overpower America (both as political powers).

If my 20-year assessment is correct, I am too old to contribute to the turn. Although a believer of the butterfly effect, as the physics of it is obvious, I have to admit that I subscribe to a higher philosophy, i.e., it is annoying for anyone to try to teach someone who do not wish to learn. The only proper way for these people to learn is through the natural punishment caused by their mistakes, for it is wrong to teach the young people that they need to hunker down to learn a skill vis-à-vis only do things that are easy and fun. The only proper way to teach them that lesson is to let the economic force do it. If Trump actually put up the tariff as he has promised to appease his base, the only proper way is to let the entire U.S. economy go down, really sending the income of the blue-collar white people to the gutters, for that is the only way for them to recognize that Trump, just like Obama, is only using them for vote. They don’t care about their future.

Only then, we shall see a Reagan who speak freely of his beliefs; only then, we shall see faithful Democrats voting for Reagan. At one point, I had thought that the problem is that people at certain places were not alerted to the thought. Guo Wengui’s National Press Club event proved that they don’t want to learn, at least not from a Chinese. It is clear that the arrogance of the white elite, supported by what the elite media call the lost generation, rule America these days. It is economics’ job, not writers’, to show them that they are wrong, because however wrong is the policy toward North Korea and whatever disaster it causes, even with a nuclear disaster, it is not enough to make these white elite to wipe that arrogance off of their faces.

For me, I have always liked art, which, like law, does not need mass market. With today’s technologies, middlemen are also unnecessary. In law, a lawyer only needs a few clients who believe in justice alike. For instance, I would never become Guo Wengui’s lawyer, because I am never 100% confident in any case, for I don’t know how it is possible. The good thing is that a lawyer can only handle so many cases to remain sane. In art, an artist only needs a few clients who believe in beauty alike, because an artist’s output is limited.

After so many experiences in life, I probably could say that I can make money in any field, because all businesses are ultimately the same, i.e., an intellectual pursuit of quality, sufficient to beat the competitors in cost-effectiveness ratio (mind you, not cost alone). However, general business is always a number game, unlike the pursuit of law with real cases, or art driven by individual creativity. Looking back, out of all of my endeavors, I have always enjoyed that element not related to the numbers. (Here, “intellectual” is used in its original meaning, not how the elite use the word.)

John Ruskin said, “Great nations write their autobiographies in three manuscripts—the book of their deeds, the book of their words, and the book of their art. Not one of these books can be understood unless we read the two others; but of the three, the only quite trustworthy one is the last.” For a long time, I have been beefing up my basic drawing and painting skills, as well as that of working with wood and other objects. Sooner or later, if I ever want to give my art a chance, I have to devote some time to it to push it into the creative realm.

For the limited spare time that I have, it is not possible for me to write and do art at the same time. If I shut down public writing, which has few readers, I can devote enough attention to my artistic undertaking. There is another reason for working on something like writing or art. Alan Greenspan uses calculus exercises to keep his mind sharp, but I have done so much math in my life that those calculus exercise problems are stale for me. In the words of a lawyer friend, I have spent too many years working on equations that go from one end of the wall to the other, I need something different. For old age, art is less toiling yet more mind-stimulating, compared to either math or writing.

Even if nothing comes to it, being an outcast artist is infinitely more attractive to me than being a grumpy old outcast writer. At least, there is poetry attached to an outcast artist. Additionally, many outcast artists had their works recognized later, but few writers managed to do so.

To my handful of faithful readers, please pay attention to the future collection opportunities of my art.

Let others think about politics and economy. I am going to work on the timeless.

By Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng is an attorney in Los Angeles.

First published on October 14, 2017

For discussions:
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For past AM1300 (KAZN) programs in Chinese language:

For law firm business (business, patent, trademark, and business-based immigration), please write to or call 626-279-7200.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Pre-game Warm-up of the 19th Party Congress

To China watchers, the development leading to the 19th Chinese Communist Party Congress, a once every five year affair, which is set to begin on October 18, has been nothing but amazing.

Before Guo Wengui (a.k.a. Miles Kwok) started his exposé early this year from his $67 million apartment in New York, CCP was already facing unprecedented challenges. For instance, the real-estate boom, which supported the local government spending for a couple of decades and kept inflation low, has reached its limit, as it is no longer possible for a graduate of Tsinghua University, the best engineering university in China, to buy an apartment in Beijing with his salary.

With CCP’s ever expanding demand of money, whether for its military expansion or its effort to “maintain stability,” which is already exceeding the defense spending (the massive great firewall of China does come cheap), CCP needs a way to have the Chinese people hand back the money they earn. For a generation, real-estate has been the answer. Subsequently, the generation is known as the colony of ants. To feed the investing appetite, the total constructed residential areas has reached more than 40 square meters per capita, or 430 square feet per person. Early this year, in order to prevent price crash, CCP started to restrict real-estate transactions. Thus, many of those who have invested in real-estate are no longer able to cash out.

For a generation, Chinese manufactures, making all those made-in-China products, which earned the foreign currency for the Chinese government, were supported by the peasants, to whom a few dollars a day represent an enormous opportunity, even when many industries paid salaries annually. In other words, if the companies failed at the end of the year, all bets were off. Now, with the first generation aging, the new generation are more picky, reducing the profit margin for manufacturers. To hold everything up, they are allowed to pollute air, water, and soil. Since many trucks do not have even the most rudimentary exhaust system, the worst air in Beijing is in the early mornings. In order to hold up the value of RMB, the Chinese government has aggressively limited the Chinese people from exchanging their RMB into foreign currencies.

Since the start of the economic reform, the deal with the party officials had been that as long as they got the GDP increase, a certain level of corruption was tolerated, partially as a reward for the hard work of the rank and file. When Xi Jinping took over, due to his pretence of being a nice boy throughout his career, few officials were personally devoted to him. For CCP, the structure did not permit massive official replacement. Since almost all officials were corrupt, Xi put Wang Qishan in the position of CCP’s disciplinary chief to massively purge officials. The problem is that terror has not attain loyalty for Xi. After five year, the scale and speed of purging are picking up, not slowing down as expected, indicating the approaching of crisis state. Now, Xi has made CCP official a high risk occupation.

Xi Jinping moved everybody’s cheese. As Wang Qishan himself and his deputies touring the country purging again and again, the entire official system is mutilated. One of the unintended outcome is that talented young people no longer want to take the official path, making it even harder for CCP to get things done.

It is at this time, when Xi Jinping did not need any trouble, that Wang Qishan and his lieutenants offended one Guo Wengui, who, for the first time in the CCP history, was gutsy enough to openly take a stand against CCP.

When Voice of America announced that it would broadcast a three-hour interview of Guo, CCP made the extraordinary move as it put Guo on the Interpol’s Red Notice at the night before the interview; officials of Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned VOA’s Beijing correspondent to threaten him of canceling his visa if the interview went ahead; the officials from the Chinese Embassy in Washington called VOA management directly to protest; and rumors has it, Beijing ordered its agents and infiltrations in the U.S. to stop Guo “at all cost,” resulting in massive exposure of its infiltration. The swift multi-agency move could only be ordered by Xi himself.

As Guo focused on Wang Qishan by exposing more and more corrupt details of Wang and his lieutenants, the China’s elite was shaken, although CCP’s internet control appeared to be effective enough that the low level people was not aware of his exposé according to my unscientific polling of Beijing taxi drivers in August.

Now, Xi Jinping has a problem. Most officials outside the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and his most intimate circle have lived in fear for five years. Now, they know that Wang Qishan and the disciplinary/law enforcement apparatus are the most corrupt. If Xi Jinping want to have any legitimacy, he needs to address the issue. At minimum, he needs to investigate Guo’s allegations. Nothing happened.

For a while, Wang disappeared, as the media rumored that the summer Beidahe recess, which actually decide all matters for the Party Congress, decided to handle the matter by letting Wang Qishan retire. Since Guo repeatedly declared his loyalty to Xi, that appeared to be a sensitive move.

However, lately, things appeared to have changed, as Wang conspicuously met with Steve Bannon who was in China supposedly passing a Trump message to the Chinese officials. When he met with Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loon, Wang made it clear that he met Lee with the permission from his superior (none other than Xi). At present, the message appears to be that Wang would not retire.

After his first five-year term, Xi has worked himself into several problems. According to the CCP tradition since Deng Xiaoping, those 68 or older would retire and 67 or younger be promoted at the top level. Wang is 69 already.

If Xi let Wang stay, Wang would remain his biggest problem as the move will remove all pretense  of CCP legitimacy. However tight the internet control, the salient, at times pornographic, exposé of Wang Qishan and his lieutenant by Guo Wengui will spread to all corners of China. If Xi force Wang to retire, his entire disciplinary and legal apparatus would be under attack by everyone in the country, not something he wants or needs.

Also according to the rule, the top leaders are appointed by alternate leaders, as Deng Xiaoping appointed Hu Jintao, and Jiang Zemin appointed Xi Jinping. According to that tradition, Hu Jintao put Hu Chunhua and Sun Zhengcai in place to take over after Xi Jinping. In July, Xi Jinping purged Sun by having the decision made by the politburo as he could not wait for the plenary session to purge that politburo member. Sun was sent from the CCP disciplinary apparatus to the government’s legal apparatus at record speed. Seeing the purging of Sun and many others who were already “elected” delegates of the Congress, Hu Chunhua was rumored to have made it clear to Xi that he did not wish to be promoted.

With Xi’ rule by terror for the past five years, and his continuous incapability to get his repeated reform promises going, system-wide frustration has turned into system-wide resentment, although no official would admit that publicly. To make sure the situation gets worse, Xi has just started another round of purging, from military commanders to university professors who dared to speak outside the lines (of things that are neither related to the Party Congress nor directly against Xi).

When I visited China in August, the internet blackout was complete. With all VPNs shut down, the U.S. companies are having trouble communicating with their Chinese subsidiaries, while Xi Jinping staring at the fatal date moving toward him. To have Wang, or not to have Wang; that is the question, first and foremost. Either way, the true mess would only start after the Congress. For now, Xi does get to choose which way he wants to go down. That makes this Congress one of the most interesting.

By Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng is an attorney in Los Angeles.

First published on October 7, 2017

For discussions:
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For past AM1300 (KAZN) programs in Chinese language:

For law firm business (business, patent, trademark, and business-based immigration), please write to or call 626-279-7200.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Guo Wengui’s Path to Asylum and His Lawyer’s 100% Confidence

Guo Wengui (a.k.a. Miles Kwok) recently petitioned the U.S. government for asylum protection. According to an interview by Mingjing, a Chinese language media located in New York, Guo’s lawyer Thomas Ragland said (translating from the Chinese report), “we have 100% confidence that he will certainly get asylum protection from the U.S. government.” That comment, apparently not objected by Ragland, caught my attention and deserves some discussion.

I am sure that Ragland would argue that his comment does not constitute such a promise or guarantee of outcome of the case, but readers can draw their own conclusion on “”he will certainly get” language. Other than that problem (lawyer promising or guaranteeing the outcome of a case, any case), I am not sure whether Ragland has listened to Guo’s voluminous exposé of CCP (as well as himself) that is readily available over the internet. In addition, I am not sure whether Ragland was the lawyer who filed Guo’s L-1 petition, and his confidence of the L-1 case before the petition was denied by USCIS.

First, let’s get a closer look at Ragland’s client, who was clearly a beneficiary, not a victim, of the CCP. Receiving only elementary school education, he became, according to the Hurun Report, the 74th richest Chinese in 2014, with a net worth of $2.6 billion. By his own statement, his wealth now comprises RMB ¥120 billion (about US$20 billion) in China and $28 billion overseas. The wealth of $50 billion is at par with Google’s Larry Page, and much more than Alibaba’s Ma Yun (a.k.a. Jack Ma). Larry Page has Google to show for his wealth, and Ma Yun has Alibaba. What does the uneducated Guo has to show for his wealth?

Guo said that he worked as an agent for the Chinese Ministry of State Security (equivalent to the Soviet KGB) and have received MSS Medal of First Class three times. Although he did not elaborate how he got the medals, he did cite several of his services to the Chinese government. For instance, when there were rumors that the Dalai Lama had heart problems, he visited the Dalai Lama at the behest of Beijing to size up his health, helping Beijing decide the next move against the Dalai Lama.

According to Guo, he received order from Xi Jinping to investigate Wang Qishan (CCP’s discipline chief who are widely considered to be the second most powerful person in China, after Xi) through Fu Zhenghua (the deputy chief of China’s police).

Then, CCP’s proletariat dictatorship machine started persecuting him and his companies, he started his exposé, in which he declared that CCP was a “big dung pit” where “only maggot could survive.” To illustrate his point, he started to expose Fu Zhenghua, who led the team to persecute him, while continuously talking to his Beijing handlers (whom he called his old leader). Once, during an interview with New York Times’ Mike Forsythe, Guo answered a telephone call that his assistant told Forsythe was a call from Xi’s office.

When Beijing obviously decided against doing anything against Fu, reportedly by Xi’s direct order, Guo decided to up the ante and started to expose Wang Qishan, that Wang’s wife was a U.S. citizen; Wang bought houses in the U.S. (both (against CCP’s disciplinary rules); and Wang’s relation with HNA, which owned, other than Hainan Airlines and many other assets, 10% of Deutsche Bank and 25% of Hilton. All of a sudden, everyone was curious about the ownership of HNA, which was originally formed only in 1993. HNA, under pressure, stated that it was owned by a New York based charitable foundation, which does not have the so-called 501(c)(3) status!

To juice up his exposé, Guo pointed out that one of HNA’s planes, numbered 5273, which sounds similar to “I lover Qishan” in Chinese, was Wang’s private toy. After HNA argued that it was a charter plane, Guo countered with the flight record to prove that it had only been used by Wang’s family and associates. Guo also exposed Wang’s illegitimate children living outside China (sending illegitimate children or/and mistresses to live outside China was one of the hot issue that Wang used to purge CCP officials, now hundreds of thousands and counting).

Perhaps as a compromise, Guo announced that he was not against the nation (i.e., the Chinese government) and Xi Jinping, and changed his tone. The “big dung pit” was gone and replaced by “most of the CCP officials are good people.” His scope of the exposé was limited to Wang Qishan, Meng Jianzhu (the chief of China’s legal apparatus), and Fu Zhenghua.

To make sure that CCP was clear about his loyalty, in a letter dated August 26, 2017, to “Dear Leader [in CCP],” which was widely dissimulated over the internet, Guo requested his “Dear Leader” to “withdraw the Interpol Red Notice against him and stop overseas [the U.S.] lawsuit [against him].” He said that after the withdrawal, he would move to Britain, possibly referring to his expiring B-1/B-2 visa in the U.S.

He said in the letter that he “remains trusting the organization [CCP’s internal language referring to itself] and you [the Dear Leader] that [he] has never crossed the red line,” which probably means he had never exposed anything about Xi and had never openly criticized CCP (or the Chinese government) as an organization, ignoring the “big dung pit” comment, obviously.

He said that he was already “doing [his] best to protect the interests and image of the country [i.e., the Chinese government].” He said that he could have Tony Blair of Britain, among others, to vouch for him. (Other than throwing big names, I don’t know what that was for.)

He suggested to use his influence (his several hundred thousand Twitter and YouTube subscribers) to serve Xi Jinping's “Chinese dream” and “propagandize Chairman Xi's anti-corruption accomplishments.”

He asked the Chinese government to give him clear objective so he could “render meritorious service to redeem his mistakes [presumably the wrong he did to CCP by exposing Wang et al], and use the result of that work to express his support of Xi and patriotism.”

It was this time that CCP went on offensive by refusing to Guo’s requests and have Ma Rui, a former assistant of Guo, file civil complaint against Guo in Manhattan Supreme Court for sexual harassment, among other things. Ma said in the complaint that he escaped Guo’s home in London to the Chinese embassy and then returned to China. According to The Associated Press, “Guo’s staff confiscated her smartphone, computer, passport and keys and forbade her from leaving her room in his luxury apartment in the high-end London neighborhood of Belgravia. To prove her case, the woman surreptitiously met a lawyer friend in London earlier this year to give a written statement about her ordeal and kept her underwear, pregnancy tests and abortion pills as evidence, according to police documents.”

Facing his expiring visa, Ragland filed for asylum protection, under which “any person who is within the country of such person's nationality or, in the case of a person having no nationality, within the country in which such person is habitually residing, and who is persecuted or who has a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.”

Of course, his membership as a decorated MSS agent would not do. The only thing Guo could hang his case on is “political opinion.” However, his political opinion has consistently been in line with Xi Jinping. In addition, he has stated repeatedly that Xi Jinping is the “holy leader that only appear once every thousand years.” (In other words, the last time China saw such a holy leader was in the Song Dynasty.)

In addition, in regards to “within the country of such person’s nationality,” Guo stated many times that he was not a citizen of China. According to him, he had 11 passports of various nations and hadn’t used Chinese passports for 28 years.

As a policy, reflected in the laws and regulations, the asylum/refugee applicants are not allowed to cherry-pick the country where they want to stay. For Guo, since he stayed in Britain for a long time before coming to America, he should at least apply in Britain.

Of course, there is the one-year bar, i.e., Guo needs to apply for asylum within one year of arrival. His lawyer probably would argue changed circumstances. However, it remains to be seen whether the USCIS officer or immigration judge, who is an employee of the Justice Department, would agree with him that Ma’s filing of the lawsuit against him constitute such.

Incidentally, Ma’s alleged sexual assault brings up another issue, i.e., criminals are barred from applying for asylum. Since the alleged assault took place in Britain, Britain is a better place to discharge Guo’s asylum/refugee application.

In addition, Guo has said that he did not care whether he get the asylum. He said that the years of delay of his deportation would serve his purposes. He openly touted the advantages of political asylum to his hundreds of thousands of viewers that during the three to twelve years of the proceeding, the U.S. Administration is powerless in deporting him. He did not seem to realize that asylum/refugee is a privilege, not a right. The U.S. government does not have to prove its case against Guo. The burden is on Guo to prove his qualifications. His proposal for his hundreds of thousands of fans to use (or misuse) asylum as a deportation delaying device may not win any favors from the U.S. government. In fact, if the administration so desires, it could expedite his case.

Not to whittle down Ragland’s 100% confidence any further. There is this inconvenient law potentially against Guo known as the Global Magnitsky Act, which targets any foreign citizen “responsible for extrajudicial killings, torture, or other gross violations of internationally recognized human rights committed against individuals in any foreign country.” Spying on the Dalai Lama, and Guo’s three MSS First Class Medals, need to be examined carefully by the government before granting this MSS agent permanent residence status in the U.S. The duty is on Guo to tell the government how he got those medals.

The precedence is clear. When Wang Lijun entered the U.S. Consulate in Chengdu seeking asylum, the U.S. denied his request and returned him to the Chinese authority. Ragland may argue that Wang Lijun then died in prison, but since the U.S. is not returning Guo to China, but to Britain or one of these 11 countries that promised to protect Guo by issuing passports to him, Guo is not facing the fate of Wang Lijun.

In his interview with Mingjing, Ragland mentioned filing suit in the federal district court. Since Guo’s asylum case could not be brought to the federal district court for appeal, I presume that he wanted to file a habeas corpus action in district court. An habeas corpus action is normally used to get a person out of immigration detention. Since Guo is not detained, I am not sure what Ragland was talking about. Unfortunately, Mingjing did not clarify that with Ragland.

Presumably, Guo could also file a motion for the government to withhold his removal (the legal term for deportation). However, since there is no particular reason for Guo to stay in the U.S., that motion is likely to be denied.

Then, Guo may want to use the United Nations Convention against Torture to stay in the U.S. The problem is that he is not facing Chinese persecution, or torture, or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in Britain or any of the 11 other countries that he claims that he holds passports.

The U.S. Supreme Court has been quite clear and repeatedly stated that the exclusion of aliens is a fundamental act of sovereignty. The right to do so stems not alone from legislative power, but is inherent in the executive power to control the foreign affairs of the nation. Guo’s recourse beyond the administrative proceedings is limited.

The first step of Guo’s asylum case is an USCIS interview, where USCIS could grant the asylum outright. However, since Guo’s case is so complex, I would venture a guess that USCIS will refer his case to the immigration court for a closer look. When that happens, the government would have a chance to lay the case against him to an immigration judge.

In addition, technically, Guo does not make a good witness. Anyone curious about his personal character could simply go on to the internet to listen to the recordings of him threatening his business associates. He was vicious. He was nasty. He does not sound like a victim.

Ragland probably should have learned more about his client before giving his 100% confidence opinion to the world.

By Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng is an attorney in Los Angeles.

First published on September 23, 2017

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Monday, September 4, 2017

Sunday, August 27, 2017





前些日子,郭文贵在被中国多个个人和公司告了以后,找了所谓超级王牌律师David Boies。其实,Boies对这种案子(海外诉讼在在美国追讨)有没有经验,是一个很好的问题。如果他没经验,那么,郭文贵找他做律师,就有一个合算不合算的问题。当然,郭文贵有钱,可以找Boies这么贵的律师,咱们吃瓜的,没什么好插嘴的。

害得我又出来谈这个问题的原因是,根据网上透露出来的郭文贵和美国前国土安全部部长Jeh Johnson的一个对话录音,郭文贵是一件事,找一个律师;出了另一件事,就亲自出马,找另外一个律师。他自己居然没有一个律师,统筹他的法律业务(或者说法律麻烦)。在美国,这是一个非常愚蠢的做法。
















我说这话的另外一个依据,是他在L-1被拒之后,居然没有一个Plan B。像他这样,来美国单挑一个国家机器,做移民申请这样说不定的事情,居然没有Plan B、Plan C、和Plan D。出了事情,他可真的不能怪任何人,只能怪他自己。

郭文贵按照他的Plan A(拿B-1/B-2进入美国转L-1)进入了美国。当L-1出了问题以后,他就开始犯傻。更有甚者,他的L-1被拒,坊间早就有谣传了。他的L-1申请早就被拒绝了,似乎他今天还没有一个Plan B,这就值得说说了。









如果郭文贵不被傲慢彻底冲昏头脑的话,他在来美国之前,就应该找定这样的一个律师。这样,律师就会劝他在他来美国之前搞定身份,以减少不定性。至少应该在几年之内有稳定身份。他拿着6个月的B-1/B-2签证,来美国耍大刀,他当时很可能觉得,他和中共的对抗,肯定能在6个月之内解决。他没想到的是,中共对他来了个“不惜代价” ,打了他个措手不及。北京操控这件事的人恐怕在说:郭文贵还太嫩啊。(当然,为了打败郭文贵,北京付出的代价,也够高的。)




















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Wednesday, August 23, 2017







清洗了农村以后,毛泽东又通过阳谋,调虎出山,用邓小平这根棍子,一举打倒了所有在城里敢于思想的人。这样,毛泽东通过 “毛泽东思想”消灭了这个世界第一大国里所有有思想的人。

邓小平和毛泽东不同。他是个大老粗。他做事,只重结果不计手段。换句话说,他没想法。他“摸着石头过河”,或者“白猫黑猫,抓住老鼠就是好猫”。傻子才去计较理论、程序。结果,邓小平被誉为 “中国改革开放的总设计师”。他子无虚有的想法,被冠以“邓小平理论”。怎么说,他还有自知之明,没有把他的子无虚有,冠名为邓小平思想。














我们可以通过一个比较具体的例子来认识这个人,并且了解孙中山对中国人造孽之深。美国人是一个很可爱的国家。我上的大学(清华大学)就是美国人不愿意接受中国的赔款,用庚子赔款建立的。当年,一战以后,Tom Lamont可爱病大发,跑到中国,想贷款两千五百万美元给中国,进行战后重建。















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Sunday, August 20, 2017


海外民运的一线生机 -- 郭文贵已经被招安了吗?

今年以来,海外的中文圈子里,几乎一直就只有一个主角,也就是郭文贵。其他的人,被郭文贵分成两类。第一类以唐柏桥、郭宝胜、吴建民、袁红冰等人为代表,他们支持郭文贵爆料。第二类,以夏业良、章立凡、胡平、魏京生等为代表,他们主要反对郭文贵。反对的主要依据是郭文贵的爆料,没有证据基础。但是,从第一天开始,反对派就没能解释,为什么共产党对郭文贵爆料的反应,如此强烈。这里头,还加上了美国之音公开出来反对郭文贵,公开打击和迫害试图报道、采访郭文贵的记者。结果,郭文贵这么一折腾,把在海外民运圈子里的小骂大帮忙,全暴露了出来。这些人,嘴里反共,但是从行动上来说,真的有人出来威胁中共了,他们就跳出来,非要将其置于死地而后快(当然,嘴里还是没完没了地反共)。从北京传出来的消息是北京现在要不惜代价。这个不惜代价,把他们全部暴露了出来。 有意思的是,这些吃民运饭的(这些人根本就不想让中国民主,因为中国一民主了,他们这碗民运饭就吃不成了)把他们自己的身份暴露了不说,还连累了多少年来,被公众认为是推动民主的美国之音这类的美国政府宣传机构。郭文贵就点名道姓地指出来,中共渗透到美国之音管理层里的特务是谁。这些人,现在使用的办法是不出声、不辩解,等风头过去了,他们可以继续吃民运饭。 美国之音现形,对中文圈子里的老百姓的教育意义,不可低估。美国之音把想采访郭文贵,让郭文贵说话的记者,弄出来没完没了地调查。这些记者就是想报新闻而已,有什么好查的?倒是那些反对报道的人,很值得查一查。连美国之音的前任台长,都公开出来说,要查也应该两方面都查。当然,美国之音作为一个非常讲“平衡”的“媒体”(美国之音自己的话),是不会这么做的。其实,“平衡”是美国左派媒体的惯用伎俩,他们只给支持左派声音的人发声的机会,不报道反对言论。当年加州要修改加州宪法,歧视亚裔,《洛杉矶时报》采访了我好几个小时,后来出报道的时候,貌似面面俱到,但是根本就没有反对歧视的言论。《洛杉矶时报》的报道里,说话的各方都觉得亚裔应该被欺负,这就是左派“平衡”的结果。 折腾来折腾去,据说美国之音花了美国纳税人几十万的律师费(可能最近已经上百万了)。老百姓的民脂民膏,就被这样挥霍、“平衡”掉了。据说被停职的记者的律师费,在6万左右。我是一个律师。五个人一个多礼拜被美国之音雇的律师的审问,单单就这一个礼拜,律师费就应该远远不止6万。换句话说,这些代表记者的律师,在律师费上,大大地为这些记者打了折扣。与此同时,记者们还筹到了2万多捐款。结果,每个人付出的律师费,也就在1万左后。被政府折腾,一个人出几千块律师费,应该说,这些记者是非常运气的了。 在美国之音开始用纳税人的钱,折腾那些有报道欲望的记者,并同时包庇那些阻挠揭露中共、搞“平衡”报道的管理层的同时,根据曹长青的推特,美国之音最近下令禁止采访第一类人(支持郭文贵爆料的人),包括曹长青、郭宝胜、赵岩、和夏业良(美国之音做决定的时候,夏还没因为拙劣反郭变成社会上的笑料,当时他还外表支持郭文贵,实际上力图从郭文贵身上炸出点钱来)。 这样的结果就是,在美国之音出现的那些专家,都属于小骂大帮忙那种。用美国之音的说法,现在美国之音的报道,终于“平衡”了。真正揭露中共的声音,没有了;有的都是“平衡”的、吃民运饭的、或者说小骂大帮忙的声音了。 我今年夏天,回国看父母。在中国,我平常获取新闻的渠道,一概被屏蔽。唯一可以听到一些声音的途径,就是那些纯粹投资的信息渠道。看来,中国铁桶一般的网络长城,并不屏蔽大家在美国炒股票。当然,如果我在中国,看不到一般新闻,虽然技术上可以炒股票,但是,在这个你死我活的商场上(你死我活说过了,实际上,炒股票是一个把别人口袋里的钱,划到自己的口袋里的游戏),有这么大的信息不对称,在中国抄美国股票,凭什么决定是买还是卖?凭什么把别人兜里的钱,给划过来? 我在国内,出行一般乘公交,这样可以和百姓有一些近距离接触。只有当时间接不上的时候,才坐出租车。这样我有过和出租车司机聊天的经验。在中国,出租车司机可算是社会最底层。和他们聊天,结果都是破口大骂共产党,但是我接触的出租车司机,都不知道郭文贵何许人也。所以,美国之音及时掐断对郭文贵的报道,有效地“平衡”掉了国内草根了解郭文贵爆料,实属功不可没。 国内的精英们,当然是了解郭文贵的。因为郭文贵在北京折腾过,有些人根本就认识郭文贵。我问一个朋友:听说过郭文贵没有?他上来就一句:郭文贵这小子满嘴跑火车,他的话,你也信?显然,郭文贵在北京的声誉,至少不是完美无缺的。 但是,对于郭文贵的爆料,也就是王岐山家族的腐败,问题并不是郭文贵的爆料里有多少谎话,问题是,郭文贵的结论(即王岐山腐败)是不是错了。换句话说,郭文贵爆料说王岐山在美国买了很多房子,包括Saratoga的一条街。问题不在于王岐山买了几条街,问题在于王岐山有没有在美国买一栋房子?他的妻子(六四主张镇压学生,整肃赵紫阳、胡启立的政治局常委姚依林的女儿)是不是美国籍?郭文贵说王岐山控制20万亿资本,问题是王岐山是不是控制20亿?甚至2000万?要知道,王岐山抓的人,其贪腐的数额,很多连2000万都不到。薄熙来当年事发,不就是几千万吗?习近平讲依法治国,为什么到了王岐山,就不依了呢?从国内传过来的消息,北京的说法是,不惜一切代价,保卫王岐山。大有为了王岐山,我共党的这个老脸不要了的阵势。 中国这个地方,专精搬起石头砸自己的脚。我去中国,飞机从首尔去北京,需要两个小时,但是飞机在首尔飞机场,呆了三个小时。每过一段时间,机长就出来澄清,说不能起飞的原因不是他们,而是北京航空管制不给他们起飞许可。我从北京回洛杉矶的时候,从进入北京首都机场那一刻,到我抵达洛杉矶,共计40多个小时(本来应该不到20小时)。换句话说,所有去中国的人,进去的时候,中国打你一个嘴巴。出来的时候,再给你一个大嘴巴。生怕你对中国留下好印象。 我这一趟,发现中国飞机晚点是常态。坐在飞机场,没完没了地听到广播里对旅客晚点道歉。中国这个地方,为了让空军显示其傲慢,让全国人民,都对政府没完没了地抱怨,一点不在乎政府的形象。习近平除了阅兵的威风,这个军委主席当得也真够可以的。 我以前在这个系列里,讲了很多民运分子,搞民运不专业,但是互相扇嘴巴子,或者自己扇自己的嘴巴,扇得出神入化(或者说惨不忍睹)。我折腾了40多个小时,一到洛杉矶,听到的第一个消息,就是郭文贵拉黑了唐柏桥(郭的一号粉丝和支持者)。我不相信,到推特上去找。找到了郭文贵自己的话: “再听唐柏桥先生给我的二十几分钟的语音留言.我感到我的醉酒直播事件让唐先生愤怒失望 … 好像我罪该万死!我真的错了!… 我只能惩罚我自己.拉黑我与唐先生之联系”。 自己扇自己的嘴巴子,能扇得如此出神入化的,真还少见。 郭文贵在同一天还有另外一个推: “尊敬的推友及美猴王:刚刚看了您与唐栢桥先生的视频.我越看越生我自己的气.从7月初至今美猴王与雾亭出来挺文贵近月来.美猴王付出那么那么多!如果没有她与唐栢桥先生等的支持.文贵早完蛋了!… [所以]我决定自罚自己拉黑她与我自己” 郭文贵拉黑美猴王,证明他拉黑唐柏桥,是有意而为。 问题是,郭文贵的说法,makes no sense。他的借酒发飙,欲盖弥彰,更加低级幼稚。难道你是在我们美国逗小孩玩吗?如果夏业良有耐心,等到今天,他就可以跳出来说:虽然我没钱买你那么贵的船,但是受过教育的人都知道,设计任何船(还不要说他那么贵的船)的一大宗旨就是驾驶室的手柄优先任何形式的遥控。你郭文贵以为我们没那么多钱,就缺心眼儿吗?你编,我看你接着编。如果夏有点耐心,到今天还可以如此这般,当年轻人的革命导师,继续毁人不倦,而不会沦为世间笑柄。可惜他没耐心,早早地,就把一世英名给毁于一旦了。话说偏了,咱们书归正传,既然郭文贵make no sense,那就值得分析分析。这到底是怎么一回事? 唐柏桥这个夏天,不好好度假,辛辛苦苦,每天做一个视频,支持郭文贵。结果是这样一个下场,被郭文贵拉黑。从最低的层面上来看,郭文贵拉黑唐柏桥有一个效果,那就是下次在有谁想支持郭文贵,就需要自问一句英文:“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”也就是说,谁再帮助郭文贵,就要认识到,等郭文贵背叛他,把他卖了,该被嘲笑的,将是他,而不再是郭文贵。 郭文贵这么折腾,以后还想在美国混吗?对于专精人事关系的郭文贵,他一定能够看到这一点。而且,他这么一搞,他的形象,怎么说他也成了一个小人,丝毫没有什么豪侠之气可言了。 郭文贵是一个商人,商人付出代价至少是需要等价补偿的。根据郭文贵的说法,他一天到晚和中共高层开会。开什么会?无非就是讨价还价。结果,在没完没了地讨价还价之后,郭文贵来了这么一招,咱们暂且不问郭文贵会得到什么。这一点,将来发生的事实会很快验证。我们现在应该问的问题是:中共花大价钱让郭文贵扇自己的嘴巴子,中共得到了什么? 郭文贵拉黑唐柏桥,是因为唐柏桥要开民主大会。这是郭文贵自己说的。郭文贵对民主大会有那么大意见,本来是匪夷所思,make no sense。郭文贵自己搞报平安视频,为什么?不就是扩大影响?唐柏桥开民主大会,为什么?不也是扩大影响?会开起来了,有人参加了,美国主流媒体就会报道。中共的这张不要了的老脸,就会进一步地暴露在全世界人民的眼前。海外民运这么多年以来的死气沉沉,也会发生改变。说到底,我们在海外,除了揭露,还能做什么?郭文贵说唐柏桥应该干实事,干什么?夏业良别动队?郭文贵自己刚刚说夏业良开玩笑,他自己怎么随即也开起玩笑,当起夏业良第二来了? 从另外一个方面说,共产党在这几十年里,在海外花那么多钱,搞大外宣。这是公开的秘密。他们的目的,就是要营造一个他们可以控制的媒体。连我在洛杉矶的KAZN(AM1300)电台当主持人,想采访一个竞选国会的人,都会被立刻开除。为什么?不就是因为中文媒体不希望“外国人”有任何介入吗?这样,他们想的不是做媒体,而是如何控制。中共砸大钱的结果,就是我们见到的那么多“民运人士”一天到晚骂共产党。一到关键时候,虽然嘴里还骂共产党,但是他们推进的,是共产党的论点。 根据这个看法,唐柏桥开民主大会,一旦开起来,共产党这几十年的经营,就面临土崩瓦解。如果唐柏桥弄出来几百个新的民运分子。中共就又要花巨款,来重新对这些人进行收买、分化、瓦解。而且,中共这一轮的“不惜代价”,已经把他们这几十年营造的资源,消耗殆尽了。唐柏桥开会,从某种意义上说,比郭文贵爆料,对共产党的打击更大。共产党的问题是,即便他们有钱,他们还有几十年的时间,来重新分化瓦解唐柏桥聚集起的这一批新人吗?如果唐柏桥弄出一批讲人话的“新民运”,如今这些人有网路媒体,共产党该如何应对?这一点,恐怕包子的智囊们心里都没数。在这种情况下,一旦中国发生危机,海外有一大堆人在用中文说人话,这可如何了得? 中国的紧迫感,是显而易见的。我在北京住了一个礼拜,前天刚回来。现在的北京,可以说是表面歌舞升平,没有一点异样的表象,但是美国每次经济危机之前,都是如此 –– 过份地没有异样表现、过份地歌舞升平。举个例子,北京街头,有大量的共享自行车,多到成灾。我一开始以为是政府出资。但是一个朋友告诉我,这些车,是私人筹资办起来的。这就真的可怕了。因为这些营运,短时间,一点盈利的可能都没有;长时间的回报,也是一点踪影都看不见。对这样一个糟糕的投资渠道,居然有那么多人出资,这就说明,中国的钱,已经毛到了什么程度。中国的投资机会,已经少到了什么程度。 再举一个例子,因为害怕房价下跌,共产党现在开始控制房子出售。中国老百姓,一辈子,就那么个投资,现在共党大笔一挥,不让他们兑现,完全欺负人。不过好在中国老百姓逆来顺受,不会有人因为受欺负造反。但是,问题是,中国的钱,已经很毛了(参见上面那个例子),这几十年,中共印的钱,是靠房奴辛辛苦苦地工作,然后把工资所得,老老实实地交还给银行。如果中共真的开始控制房地产买卖,这个局不存在了,如何把放出去货币收回来? 中共现在冒天下之大不违,出台如此下下策,结果搞得出租车司机,提到共产党,就满口脏字,破口大骂。我在清华学校里打了一个车(现在清华门卫很严,一般人进不去),他问我,你是受过教育的吧。我不无调侃地说,各种教育都受过。他就还连带着,把受过教育的人,也骂了一遍。北京表面上的歌舞升平下面,可以说是暗潮汹涌。中共在这种情况下统治,是需要各种钱来打理的。如果不能像以往那样大肆印钱了,那么维稳、军费什么的,从什么地方出?恶性通货膨胀的一个特点,就是不来就不来,一旦来了,常规性手段(例如增加利率)是无能为力的。 在这种情况下,中共最不愿意看到的,就是在海外,唐柏桥拉出一批(用魏京生的话说)“圈子”外的人进民运。共产党想要的,就是唐柏桥的会不能开起来。据说郭文贵一开始要给唐柏桥钱来开会。其实,对于唐柏桥来说,这个钱是一个坏事,连路费都出不起的人,不老老实实地工作、挣钱,开什么民主大会?唐柏桥需要的,是能够自己出路费的人,去开他的民主大会。从这个角度讲,郭文贵拉黑唐柏桥,对唐柏桥来说,应该是一件好事。实际上,没了郭文贵,唐柏桥开民主大会,噪音会更小些。 当然,老一代的民运,有各种各样的想法。一个想法,就是唐柏桥成功了,唐柏桥就会出名。这对于他们来说,是一个坏事。所以,很多原来支持唐柏桥、支持郭文贵的人,都出来反对唐柏桥开会。 六四学生上街,知识分子就出来劝学生回家。香港搞雨伞运动,胡平等智者就去劝学生回家。唐柏桥要开民主大会,就有多少人,貌似从唐柏桥的利益出发,语重心长,劝他别开。其实,开大会,有特务参加,那是肯定的。这件事,没什么好回避的。当年我的一个政策就是,对美联社说的话,我们也对新华社说。这样一来,这个问题不就不存在了吗?民运人士,开几十个人的会,难道就没有特务?问题是,来特务又有什么可怕的?难道夏业良搅局就比特务搅局更容易对付?当然,如果夏前教授已经跟了胡平、魏京生的后尘,我这句话,等于没说。对于唐柏桥来说,他开会,人多了,中共不能再花几十年来分化、瓦解、渗透。这是问题的根本。 所以说,今年迄今为止,郭文贵作为一个试金石,把“民运分子”中,那些不想让中国民主的,想在美国专业吃民运饭的那帮人,给挑了出来。现在唐柏桥开会,会把那些阻挠唐柏桥搞民运的那批“智者”再给挑出来。自由言论的力量,就像大浪淘沙,把好的思想,有好思想的人,给挑出来。网上有人说,辛灏年已经退缩了。无论辛灏年怎么做,这种大浪淘沙,对唐柏桥来说,都是一件好事,因为这些人现在退出,比日后和他们窝里斗,损耗要小。 如果郭七爷被招安了(否则他为什么和他的第一号支持者断交?),郭就会很快地淡出大家的视线(其实共产党报仇,十年不晚,郭文贵对共产党造成那么大损害,难道是出卖一个唐柏桥就能抹平的?郭文贵的短视,倒是跟我那个朋友对他的评论很吻合)。郭文贵淡出了,接力棒就传到唐柏桥手里了。这一天,唐某人可是等了近30年了。接力棒在手,他起跑的第一步,就是民主大会。他能跑起来吗? 对我们吃瓜群众来说,好戏还在后头。 作者:郑朴捷 写于2017年8月19日 (作者为洛杉矶律师) 讨论前往: 以往文章: 以往AM1300 (KAZN)中文节目录音: 律师事务所业务(商业、专利、商标、商业类移民)请发email至 或打电话:626-279-7200. 转载请注明出处。

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Liu Xiaobo Died

The Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo, who is the first Chinese to be awarded the Nobel Prize, the second to be awarded the prize while in jail, died today in captivity.

For me, Liu's passing marked the end of a 40-year period, during which the Chinese people expect the Communist leaders to give them freedom and democracy, eventually at some future time.

Twenty-eight years ago, when my generation was young, the Chinese people, mostly the young, took to the streets in China to push for the communist leaders to move in the direction of freedom and democracy. They were met by tanks and mahine guns. When I saw the mechine guns in southern China, I decided to become an American. Friends said that I was a slow learner, although I thought that I was merely keeping options open for as long as possible.

With his death, people have come to the realization that the freedom and democracy would never come, under the Communists. In fact, the freedom that Hong Kong has enjoyed for decades is being taken away, as well as democracy that was granted to Hong Kong people by the last British governor Chris Patten. In Taiwan, President Tsai Ing-Wen is so careful these days not to offend China that she is sending Chinese dissidents escaped to Taiwan back to China to be punished. In China, it is silence today, just like tomorrow, the day after tomorrow ...

The light is out. The hope is dead.

I am thinking of the poem by Bei Dao written in 1976, another desperate time in the Chinese history:

Despicable is the license of the despicable;
Noble is the epitaph of the noble.

The despicables got their wish today. It is reported that Liu Xiaobo's family is being urged to spread his ashes over the sea, so there could be no epitaph.

7/15/2017 Update: According to Liu Xiaoguang, Liu Xiaobo's eldest brother, Liu's ashes were spread into the sea. The elder Liu said that it is the demonstration of the socialist superority.

By Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng is an attorney in Los Angeles.

First published on July 13, 2017

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Saturday, June 24, 2017












唐说胡平(不是我今天想得罪的人),勾起了我的一些回忆。例如,有一次,我的一个朋友(汉学家林培瑞,Perry Link)跟我说,诺贝尔给刘晓波的授奖仪式,邀请了胡平。胡平首先screwed up他的飞机票(因为他的特殊身份,他犯了一个幼儿园级别的错误。我在这里,特别提这么一句的目的是要说明,这个人窝里斗搞得出神入化,真正做事的能力差到令人跌破眼镜)。然后,胡平跟我这个朋友说,他注意到,诺贝尔授奖仪式,包括一个晚会,需要white tie。在美国,租一个white tie燕尾服,大概是200来块钱。因此胡平说:因为他没钱租这个燕尾服,是不是可以不参加这个晚会?


听唐先生爆料,胡平在多处(包括北京)都有房子。而且,唐发言好多天了,胡一直没有出来否认。这就让我想起当年胡某对我说的话,very interesting。这是我今天特别眷顾唐先生的原因之二。




















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Tuesday, June 6, 2017









我先来举一个Jason Chaffetz的例子。Chaffetz是众议院Oversight & Government Reform委员会的主席。他决定月底从众议院辞职。根据他的说法,离家住了1,500个夜晚,够了,该回到私营机构里去谋生了。





其实,这些民运分子生活在美国社会里,如果有意做点实际工作,当下就有一个:我们华裔的利益,正在被美国的左派,以公然种族歧视的方式剥夺。这件事情,Ed Blum代表华人提起诉讼,但是可悲的是,没有中国团体进行这类的工作。













在美国,大多数在政府顶层工作的人(political appointees),是通过自我牺牲为政府工作的,因为那些人如果到私营企业来工作的话,都可以挣更多的钱。他们的想法是,自我牺牲一段时间,来服务(serve)。美国人用serve这个词,就是这个意思。总统打电话请人出来工作的时候,都是用尽义务劝说,用serve来说服人走出茅庐,为政府工作。



说到挣钱,对于Clinton这一家子来说,他们出去演讲个三五次,40万就全有了。何必一年365天,天天都累到话都说不出来。当年他和Monica Lewinsky,凌晨三点的时候做那事儿,同时还在给议员打电话谈公事。当时就有comedian说:这么勤奋的总统,【该comedian对他老婆的评论在此删去】,接受点服务,难道不合理吗?












今天的民运分子们,以吴先生和夏先生为首,都应该走出民运圈子,从送外卖开始,首先make an honest living。从经济基础开始努力,日后吃穿不愁了,再出来谈上层建筑不晚。





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Sunday, June 4, 2017




我被开除之后,社区里一点反响都没有。麻木是我们华人本性。各人自扫门前雪,莫管他人瓦上霜。结果我们华人在美国,被人家各个击破。我们的孩子,在上大学的时候,被人家公然地实行种族歧视。有谁揭竿而起?只有Ed Blum,一个犹太白人。






在我们这个社区里,出来组织协会的人,不是为公益,而是为个公益的名头。更有甚者,有些人出来做什么协会的会长,目的是去领事馆领变相的特务经费。当然,他们领foreign power的钱,按照美国法律,需要向美国政府注册,我向几个人提及这事的时候,大家都是瞪直眼睛,不知道我说的是什么(显然没人注册过)。









Saturday, March 11, 2017


刚刚看了一点郭文贵冒头儿的录像。有一个很有意思的问题,老郭找一个名不见经传的所谓明镜电视(实际上,只是一个YouTube账户,根本就不包含传统电视的意义。郭做了两次节目,明镜“电视”就堂而皇之地从第一季,发展到了第二季,连老郭都忍不住指了出来)。聪明到底的郭某人,避开CNN、NBC,找这个明镜“电视”。为什么? 我的解释是:老郭深谙中国人的心理。中国人没有自信心,反映出来,就是我偏喜欢吃苍蝇式的逆反心理。表现在这件事情上,就是外国媒体报道的贪腐,我就是不办。就是不让你“干涉内政”。《华尔街日报》报郭虎城(商务部部长),我不办。《纽约时报》报温家宝,我更不办。郭在CNN指控一大堆人,经过中国人的心理疾病处理以后,就变成给这些人穿上了护身符。老郭那么聪明的人,当然不会这样做。但是,他放眼一望,一大片已经被北京他对头收买了的中文媒体。没有办法,就只好明镜“电视”了。 另外,老郭拒绝正经媒体,还说:中国人的事,中国人自己管,不要你们管。显然,老郭也是使用障眼法、误导法、说一套做一套的专家。干中宣部也是一把好手。这样的一流人才,没有充分利用,真是党的损失。 郭在节目里说,今天的共党,比当年的日本侵略军更残暴。我也学一句当年共党电影里伪军向日本皇军谄媚时说的话:高,高,实在是高! 老郭实在是高! (中国人实在扭曲!)


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Thursday, February 9, 2017








下一步,陈某人知道,大爷当不成了,就干脆做流氓算了。一不做,二不休,他就把老实话给说出来了: “去他妈的,活下去最要紧。”(这和邓小平的“发展就是硬道理”有什么区别?)老子TMD一代宗师,怎么还没混上?





回国还是不回国,to be or not to be,归根结底,还是那个问题:你想去趟那潭浑水吗?
