Tuesday, June 28, 2016










Alex Li

Alex Li 我所观察到很多人其实是十分焦虑的,一方面看到真实世界与官方教条的极大不同,另一方面却背负着百年来深深的自卑和无法改变现状的无力感。所以只好为了面子而争一时口舌之快。


陈士杰 我之所以会有这种想法,是因为身边的台湾同学说:别看你们大陆没有言论自由,但是互联网发展的比我们台湾好太多了,“我们自己的总统要用美国人的脸书来和自己的人民沟通”。


我也知道防火墙的设立,是为了挡住墙外诸如“六四”、“西藏独立”等敏感词而设立的,本来的出发点是邪恶的,但是否同时也达到了意想不到的效果呢?...See More

Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng "身边的台湾同学说 ...": That is a standard protectionist comment. It is plainly stupid to say that China's Internet, which has no function of free communication, is better than Taiwan's, which is as good as America's. Ask these questions: why do you want to hi...See More


陈士杰 Pujie Zheng 按照郑律师的逻辑,那么华为小米也别做安卓手机了,中国人都用三星吧。

Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng 陈士杰 Free market competition is one thing. Government mandated protectionism and monopoly is another. The key is whether outsiders are allowed to compete freely. Google's concept is the availability of information. Government should come out to say: No free communication here.


陈士杰 Pujie Zheng 因为有防火墙,有所谓的这个垄断机制,百度才有可能在中国打败Google,搜狐才有可能在中国打败Yahoo,163才有可能在中国对抗Gmail。当然,防火墙是反自由反人权的,是邪恶的。但是这个邪恶也同时帮助了中国的民企,给了中国创业者在互联网领域发财的机会。谢谢律师

Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng 陈士杰 The point here is that monopoly and protectionism weaken the Chinese economy. If Baidu is better, why could it not get the foreign market? If Baidu is not better, why have it at all? The point of having so many monopolies is for the rich to exploit the people. Think about it. The people are poorer for those policies. Is the government for the rich, or the massive poor (in China's case)?

Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng The Chinese monopoly is a giant exploitation machine. Are you for it, or against it, in whatever name?


陈士杰 Pujie Zheng 百度在西方国家也能用,但是没人用,因为你如果search“June fourth massacre”什么也没有。主要是因为中国没有言论自由。

Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng That is the problem of the nationalist fervor, which, in my opinion, has already destroyed the young. The worse is yet to come.

Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng 陈士杰 Baidu is not competitive and could not survive without the protectionism. So why could not the Chinese people use a better product? Just for those few rich who backed Baidu?

Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng The duty of government is for the people. In a democratic system, our problem is that the people do not know what is better for them. So speaking out become a revolutionary act. In dictatorship country, people's desire is flatly suppressed. Baidu is part of the suppression. But that is another thing, just another reason why protectionism and monopoly are always no good.


陈士杰 Pujie Zheng 如果习近平今天宣布党禁报禁了,明天中国人去投票了,开放网络了。百度也能存活,因为过了那段艰难的时期。

我的意思是百度是抄袭的Google,如果中国在创业初期就没有防火墙,那么百度搜狐还在创业时期,Google Yahoo就进入中国市场了,先来者居上,百度搜狐就起不来了。

Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng 陈士杰 I don't think so. If the ban is lifted, Google would be number one, followed by Yahoo. Baidu, as number three, will close its doors soon. Besides other business related reasons, under protectionism, Baidu never experienced real competition, so it is weak.


陈士杰 Pujie Zheng 应该不会,百度没有来自美国的竞争压力。但是有来自奇虎网易新浪搜狐等其他防火墙内的公司的压力,即使现在Google来中国,估计也不会兴起什么大风浪

Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng I guess I have already proved one sad point. Today, it is impossible to convince the young people anything. You are equating the competition Baidu got from China with the competition from Google? This is basic. Even you know nothing about business, even you do not invest at all in the US, you should know that the difference of the competitive environment between China and the rest of the world.

Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng I am sure you are going to come up with something else for argument. There are right and wrongs in this world. If you invest with your own money, you will soon find out.

Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng In any reasonable society, the key is thinking, not really having the rolling argument for argument's sake. That would not solve any problem.

Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng I have seen many Chinese young people suffer in the US.

Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng Just like the American youth, the problem is with their ways of thinking.


陈士杰 您的意思是中美竞争环境差别很大对吧。

Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng My point is this: You are arguing with me without knowing what I am saying. That's argument for argument's sake. We won't improve with that.


陈士杰 Pujie Zheng 我看不太懂您的英语

Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng Google competes in the whole world (except China), not just the US. It is not something that Baidu is facing.

Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng My suggestion is to learn English. Let me tell you. You won't regret the time and energy spent in learning English.

Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng Then, we will talk.


陈士杰 我这种反主流的想法,也就是心里想想,也不会公然说出去的。

Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng Thinking against trend is good. However, you need to make sure that your logic is right. What I found out is that your logic does not flow, e.g., you equate protectionism to giving up competition. On the contrary, logic (or evidence) shows that protectionism is against free competiton.


陈士杰 Pujie Zheng 我在韩国城买的韩国食品上写着“身土不二”,这也是一种保护主义,让其他国家的食品进口韩国很难,韩国人吃自己的食品。

Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng The US has protectionsm running as well. That does not make it right. Ask the young people here. The majority wants protectionism. To them, protectionism means job for them. But they are wrong. The politicians are exploiting their mistakes. That is partly responsible for the high unemployment rate among the young.


陈士杰 Pujie Zheng 意思是您是反对保护主义的对吧?


Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng Are you arguing with me without understanding what I said?


陈士杰 我看不太明白,我是ESL的学生

Pujie Zheng

Pujie Zheng Learn English first. Then, come back to argue your point.


陈士杰 谢谢

First published on June 28, 2016

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